This live model stand is both mobile, (it sits on retractable wheels) and easily demountable (able to store its own scaffolding as well as its props).  Conceived of as somewhere between a primitive hut (providing metaphorical and spatial as well as literal scaffolding), and a steamer trunk (optimally efficient and mechanically transformative) this stand was commissioned by the School of the Museum of Fine Arts for three of their drawing studios.  It replaces an old pedestal that, like most, was ponderously heavy and immobile, and with the addition of props attached to overhead pipes; lights, drapes, etc. an intrinsically ephemeral event became fixed and anchored to the room, limiting its flexibility.  This stand, by contrast allows for rapid and flexible staging, can be put aside without demounting, can be easily reoriented and because of its flexibility allows for far more spontaneous an imaginative configurations than its predecessor.

BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
BUTZ + KLUG Architecture, custom furniture, collapsable model stand
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Drawing Model Stand
Mobile Furniture


Project Design:
          Jeff Klug, Rob Hagan with Artist David Kelley

Project Dates: December 2008
Fabrication: Wescor Construction

Photographs: BUTZ + KLUG